For some reason I got the sudden urge to completely reinvent my web site. It’s not that I didn’t have anything else to do. Maybe I just got tired of the old one, which has been up in its current form for years.
So, I dusted off Adobe Dreamweaver and Fireworks and we will see what happens. I have a ton of plug-ins and filters for Photoshop that I’ve never used. Now, just to find the time.
In addition to a complete makeover of the content, I want to add a blog, which you’re reading now. I also want a forum so that others can discuss some of the subjects that I’m passionate about: Amateur radio, photography, and off road exploration.
As far as design goes, I would like to apply my own experience in using what I learned about graphic design and typography:
- Simplicity makes a complex statement.
- Less is more.
- White space is your friend.
- The rules were made to be broken.
This place will be a mess for a while as I get everything working. Thanks for stopping in.
Could you pass on the following to the MARA group:
Field Day
The Arizona Science Center, W7ASC, will admit any Ham on Saturday the 28th (only) for free. Go to the admissions desk and show either your license, call-sign on hat or shirt, or your CSCE.
John – K7JP