Hitting the Dirt!

About Me Forums Off Road Adventure Hitting the Dirt!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Steve Miller 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Steve Miller

    If you don’t get dirty, it ain’t no fun! There isn’t any clean way to explore the Sonoran Desert. Well, maybe if you do it from a hot air balloon. Otherwise, you’re going to eat either mud or dust.IMG_9259

    That’s okay. The things you find along the trail make it well worth it. I have been to some of the same spots in the desert and found something different each time.

    Sometimes it’s because the season changed. Other times I was just looking in a different spot. Abandoned mines. Unique wildlife. Ghost towns. Indian pottery. Trash left by border crossers. It’s all there.

    Jeep1Much of the desert is accessible without any special equipment. Four wheel drive is pretty much a necessity for the sand washes and occasional washed out trail. A high lift will get you off most high center obstacles. Plenty of water. Your camera and a way to keep it from being saturated with dirt. A GPS. That’s about all it takes to have some really cool one day adventures.

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